# # HMM-GRASPx: guided search and assembly of short peptides using HMM models # # Please direct comments, suggestions, bug-reports to Cuncong Zhong (czhong@jcvi.org) # 1: Runing individual programs * 'graspxp-build' is used to construct the index. Assuming that you are under directory '/HMMGRASPx_home/', simply type './bin/graspxp-build ./Examples/mix3fams.fa'. The build program will create a set of indexing files and put into '/HMMGRASPx_home/WorkSpace'. * 'graspxp-assemble' is used to perform targeted assembly. Assuming that you are under directory '/HMMGRASPx_home/', and that you have finished the previous building step, simply type './bin/graspxp-assemble ./Examples/mix3fams.hmm ./Examples/mix3fams.fa raw_contigs.fa'. The program will generate file 'raw_contigs.fa', which is in the FASTA format and contains all contigs being assembled in this stage. * 'graspxp-map' is used to align the short peptides against the assembled contigs. Assuming that you are under directory '/HMMGRASPx_home/', and that you have finished the previous assembly step, simply type './bin/graspxp-map ./Examples/mix3fams.fa raw_contigs.fa mapping.list'. IMPORTANT: Note that this step will directly mapping short peptides against the raw contigs generated from the previous step. We suggest that the raw contigs being first verified by HMMER3 re-alignment (e.g. between './Examples/mixfams.hmm' and 'raw_contigs.fa') before donig the mapping. This step is optional but important in reducing false-positive predictions. Below you will find the use of a driver script that automatically include the verification process. The resulting mapping output is a table that contains three fields, namely 1: the ID of the read in the data set; 2: the header/name of the read; and 3: the header/name of the contig where the read is mapped onto. 2: Using the "RunHMMGRASPx.pl" script to streamline your analysis * The script requires HMMER3 (http://hmmer.janelia.org/). This current release should contain a copy of the software under the '/HMMGRASPx_home/ThirdParty' folder. * You need to compile HMMER3. First go to '/HMMGRASPx_home/ThirdParty/hmmer-3', and then type './configure'. * In the same directory, type './make'. If the compilation is successful, you should find that all executables have been put under directory '/HMMGRASPx_home/ThirdParty/hmmer-3/binaries'. * After compiling HMMER3, you should be able to use the "RunHMMGRASPx.pl" script. To analyze the data given in '/HMMGRASPx_home/Examples', simply type (assume you are under /HMMGRASPx_home/) 'perl Scripts/RunHMMGRASPx.pl --hmm=Examples/mix3fams.hmm --seq=Examples/mix3fams.fa --out=TestResults --home=./ --index=WorkSpace/ --param=Settings/param' * To find out meaning of the options, please type 'perl Scripts/RunHMMGRASPx.pl'